Accuro is one of the few consulting firms that truly put themselves into, what a task is, before they start the search process up for the perfect competence match.
Trust and professional pride are the words I use most often when talking about Accuro.
– Accuro does not behave like any other freelance consultancy. In contrast to many other agencies, they are professionally well-founded in their area of expertise. My impression is that they are openly and honestly interested in their freelance consultants, both professionally and on a personal level. They focus on creating the best possible match between customer needs and the qualifications of their freelance consultants.
– I also have the distinct impression that Accuro studies the customers’ assignments thoroughly before presenting candidates for the job. They spend time and energy digging into the nature of the job and looking at what the customer really wants done. Only then do they start hunting for the freelance consultants who in their opinion match the needs of the customer. Svend Ørum, Accuro’s director, has explained that they want nothing but positive testimonials. Their consultants are their customers as well as their ambassadors. This is why they spend so much time thoroughly preparing themselves before embarking on a new project. I think this is impressive and fine. Particularly in this business. It makes me trust them.
– Professional pride means a lot to Accuro. This is another of the qualities I appreciate in them. Professionalism and the personal element are more important than the hourly rate. Of course, the price has to be right, and it must be adjusted to the demands of the job, but it’s not the first thing they ask about. Instead, and in addition to one’s core competences, it’s more about the sum of one’s qualifications, and about an understanding of the customer’s needs. It’s also about the amount of practical work experience, and how this can contribute to the collaboration process. All of this is to pre-ensure the quality of the solution for the customer. This represents a very special company culture and professional engagement that I have not seen in any other consultancy. I really respect this.