Helena Magidas Johansen

Accuro differs from other freelance consulting houses in that you as a consultant feel like a partner and not "only" as a consultant. They have an attitude about the importance of being able to stay in touch during employment with the customer. They stay updated on the consultant's progress and well-being, which results in a real appreciation for the collaboration with Accuro.

Senior Consultant, Helena Magidas Johansen, who in 2019 was hired as a Web Insights & Optimization consultant at Top Denmark. Over time, she gained more responsibility and acted as a liaison between the technical IT and marketing departments. Her contract was extended several times.

It means a lot to me that you do not waste your time at Accuro.

The recruitment process is very straightforward. Accuro spends time formulating the task for the consultant and then equips one to meet the customer with specific "tools" that are to be used for the specific task at the customer. The match is right in the eye. My knowledge and experience have both organizational and technical character. Therefore, I look holistically at tasks to start with and then see where it makes sense to make the most of the technical resources to meet the business goals quickly and efficiently. Accuro could see through this "versatility value" in my competencies and match it with Topdanmark's challenge. This resulted in very good collaboration with Topdanmark, and that my contract was extended over several rounds.

Accuro differs from other freelance consulting firms.

My collaboration with Accuro has been a pleasure both while I was out at Top Denmark but also in the recruitment process itself. Accuro differs from other freelance consulting houses in that you as a consultant feel like a partner and not "only" as a consultant. They have an attitude about the importance of being able to stay in touch during employment with the customer. They stay updated on the consultant's progress and well-being, which results in a real appreciation for the collaboration with Accuro.

CEO & Owner

Svend Ørum

(+45) 4097 2064

CEO & Owner

Svend Ørum

(+45) 4097 2064