These are some of the frequently asked questions. If you have a question or if there is something you have any doubts about, check out the list below. If the list does not contain an answer to your question, then please contact us.

Our database contains more than 3500 SAP and IT profiles. All of them are specialists within their field of SAP and IT. We mainly work with senior profiles with solid experience.

If you are a specialist within SAP and IT, we would like to invite you to be a part of our consultancy database so we can start matching you with projects that match your profile. You can upload your CV in our database here.

We are always interested in maintaining our database and updating the information that we have on you. That way we will not disturb you while you are on a project, and we can have you in mind when your contract is about to expire.

Feel free to contact us when you are ready to take on a new project. That way we each do what we do best, you focus on your current project while we focus on getting you a new one.

You can easily sign up for our events here on the site. There is a registration form on each event that you need to fill out in order to sign up. Some of our events have a limited amount of seats, and for those events registration is done on a first come, first served basis. After registration you will receive an e-mail from us with a confirmation.

If we have your CV in our database, you will also receive invitations to events per. mail. If you follow us on LinkedIn, we will also advertise both social and professional events here.

First of all, we search our own database. Therefore, it is a good idea that you register your CV so we can find you and contact you with new projects and/or jobs.

If we do not find the right match in the database, we use LinkedIn. If you have a profile on LinkedIn, we advice you to update your profile on a regular basis so your digital resume is just as updated as your physical one. If you don’t already have a profile on LinkedIn, we encourage you to get started.

All of our incoming projects are shown in the job lists here on our website. If you are a consultant, you will find all available freelance jobs under the consultant menu. If you are a candidate and are looking for a new job, you will find all vacancies under the candidate menu.

Also we encourage you to follow us on LinkedIn where we also post all new jobs and projects.

The proces is simple. You upload your resume here, and you can do that both as a freelance consultant and as a job seeker looking for new opportunities.

When you are in our database, we will contact you with job opportunities that match your experience and skills. In addition, you will be invited to events – both social and professional.

You will also receive an e-mail twice a year with the opportunity to update the information that we have on you. You also have the opportunity to delete your CV from our database as well as all the information that we have on.

Contract Manager

Celeste Genovese

(+45) 4043 8462

Contract Manager

Celeste Genovese

(+45) 4043 8462